where opera transcends the stage

When we say, “Welcome to Houston Grand Opera,” we aren’t just inviting you to take your seat, but to join us in the celebration of the arts. Through events that dance the line between performance and party, elevate young voices, and bring the community together for intimate moments, we create the collective memories of our city.

special events

From witnessing the next generation of artists claim their spot on the Wortham stage to taking part in philanthropic initiatives that breathe new life into the arts – our special events invite you to celebrate all that the opera is, and all that it can be.

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Giving Voice
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The Wortham Theater Center
Opera Ball
Apr. 5

Keep a piece of the evening with you

community events

At HGO, our community events seek to nurture young artists, explore human emotion, and be a part of Houston's story through year-round children's productions, workshops, public opera performances, and so much more.

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Recommended for Grades PreK-5
Opera To-Go!
Oct. 1 -May. 1

Event resources

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Our Customer Care team is available for all of your operatic needs from group ticketing, to box office assistance, and accessibility inquiries. We can be reached by phone or email Monday – Friday 10 AM – 5 PM; Saturdays before a Sunday performance from 10 AM – 5 PM; and performance days from 10 AM – performance time.

Get in contact
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Our Customer Care can be reached by phone or email Monday – Friday 10 AM – 5 PM; Saturdays before a Sunday performance from 10 AM – 5 PM; and performance days from 10 AM – performance time.

Learn More
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Find answers to frequently asked questions for everything from ticketing to attire.

See faqs

Donate today

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Your support helps bring world-class art to the city of Houston, including events and learning initiatives that go beyond the stage to engage with our community.

Now showing

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Explore current performances and prepare to be transported by the art of the opera.